Voices of LDAYS


The Voices of LDAYS is an initiative of The Learning Disabilities Association of York-Simcoe.

The aim of this program is to promote the education of learning disabilities by engaging with individuals and the community.


What do our champions do?

Our team of Champions share their personal stories of success, their journeys to overcome obstacles and speak on behalf of youth and their families to increase awareness and knowledge surrounding what it means to learn differently.

Our champions often provide us and the LD and ADHD community with articles that are featured in our quarterly newsletters. They also create videos on numerous topics that may be shared with various organizations and schools, as well as participate in speaking engagements and presentations with community organizations, school’s and school boards, and at outreach events!


Why should you be a champion with LDAYS?

  1. You get to share stories of personal experience and provide our community with first-hand insight of what it is like to have an LD/ and or ADHD.
  2. There are many opportunities to make direct connections with teachers, parents, students, and professionals through speaking engagements, articles, video’s, and more!
  3. You will foster connections and relationships with other individuals with LD’s and/or ADHD through sharing your inspiring stories of success, navigation of difficult obstacles and experiences of living with your LD and/or ADHD diagnosis.
  4. Being an LDAYS champion offers valuable experience in networking, fostering relationships, and creating a community like atmosphere in a variety of settings.
  5. It's A great addition to your resume!


Take a look at what our champions have to say about being a Voice of LDAYS!

I enjoy being an 'LDAYS Champion' because it has been a continuous learning process whereby I get to share my story and insight, learn from the stories and insights of others, and foster a connection due to a common experience (of being diagnosed) with many. I cherish every school and meeting that I have been able to attend and speak under the LDAYS banner, and I am very grateful for the opportunity” - AS

I'm so happy that I was able to contribute and once again, I couldn't have done it without being granted the opportunity from you and the LDAYS team!” - JS

Our Ambassadors

Voices of LDAYR group


If you would like to share your story with others or think you know someone who would, we would love to hear from you. Contact us using the form below today!

Share your story and help those living with LDs


Interested in having an LDAYS Champion speak at your school, office, upcoming special event? Would you like hear more about our inspirational opportunities or perhaps direct your questions and comments to one of our champions directly?


Or if you are  between the ages of 15 and 30 and wish to become a champion please contact us for more info.


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