

The Learning Disabilities Association of York-Simcoe is calling for applicants for the 2024 Bursary! This is possible in part thanks to the generosity of the Dr. Lee Foundation and the Renee Flannery Endowment.

The LDAYS will be recognizing up to six (6) York Region and/or Simcoe high school or post-secondary students each with a $1000 bursary.

Deadline is July 30th, 2024 at 3:00 pm
*late or incomplete applications will not be considered*

Transition Resource Guide

Transition Resource Guide

The Transition Resource Guide for Students with Disabilities contains important disability support information and resources for each college and university in Ontario.


Resource Centre

The Resource Centre provides services for those in the community who are impacted by Learning Disabilities and/or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder by providing a physical space that offers resources for parents, educators, community professionals, teens, adults and children.

The community can access support, guidance, information, referral, and research. The Resource Center, home of the Parent Support Group, Adult support Group and social development groups the Center also offers access to computers where clients can access the internet for job search or resume writing. Also, as space where families can have one-on-one or groups training.  The Resource Center also allows Resource Facilitators to have a space to meet with families in need for support; the center also offers one-on-one services and educational and professional training sessions.

The resource center is open Monday to Friday, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm, walk-ins are welcome, but it is recommended you make an appointment to ensure there is a resource facilitator available to support you.

If you are looking for material on a particular topic our staff is always available to help.

In 2016 The Resource Center was dedicated to Lynn Ziraldo to honour the 38 years that she served as Executive Director.

* The LD@home and LD@school websites are provided and maintained by the LDAO (Learning Disabilities Association of Ontario).

Welcome to phase one of LD@home. This website has been built to help bring resources to the households of Ontario impacted by Learning Disabilities (LDs). Our vision is to provide education, knowledge and resources to assist you in your journey, as well as a safe place to connect with the LDA network across Ontario for ongoing support. Over time, we hope to expand this site to cover all issues across a lifetime of living with LDs. In phase one of this project, we are focused on supporting the early years of the journey through elementary school for parents and students. The Learning Disabilities Association of Ontario (LDAO) would like to offer our sincere thanks to The Ontario Trillium Foundation for its support of this phase of the project and allowing this vision to become a reality.

We are also interested in your feedback; within the site you will find opportunities to give us feedback as well as links to our social media accounts so you can help to shape the growth of this service into the future.

LD@school is the first resource of its kind dedicated to serving the needs of Ontario’s educators. It provides educators with information, resources and research related to teaching students with learning disabilities.

The LD@school website features evidence-based, evidence-informed and practice-informed approaches, practices and strategies that can be put directly to use in the classroom. The website includes other resources and professional development materials such as videos, podcasts, webinars, blogs, articles and student success studies. The site also features an online community where educators can share their thoughts and find answers to issues relating to teaching students with learning disabilities.

Kids Donation Banner Image


Your continued support allows us to provide the resources and services
that many people in our community rely on each day.

Learning Disabilities are complicated. Helping isn't.


LDAYS also provides additional resources and services in accessible format and translated in several different languages.

For additional resources, please fill out the form or contact the office directly at the information below. We look forward to hearing from you.

The Learning Disabilities Association of York-Simcoe

9030 Leslie Street, Unit 216
Richmond Hill, ON, L4B 1G2

Phone: (905) 884-7933
Fax: (905) 770-9377

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