Presenting- A parent’s guide to Individual Education Plans (IEP)

Does your child have an I.E.P, or has recently been given one and you are unsure where to begin, what it means, and how you can support? If this sounds like you… Join us!
This workshop will contain relevant information and tips concerning everything parents should know about the creation and development of their child’s I.E.P.
The goal of this workshop is to inform parents of what an I.E.P is, how they are used, how to connect with their child’s teacher about their needs and accommodations, what their rights and responsibilities are, and more!
This workshop is presented by Sam Harrison - Former Education Coordinator. Sam is a certified teacher in 3 provinces including Ontario. She earned her Bachelor of Education in 2011 and received a Master of Educational Psychology in 2014. While living in New Brunswick, Sam was accepted onto the Premier's Council on Disabilities to advocate for accessibility throughout the province. She is also fluent in Canadian/American Sign Language and spent time as a teacher of the D/deaf and hard of hearing. Sam continues to support and present educational presentations and is an alternate to the SEAC committee with the YRDSB.
If you are looking for tips and information on navigating your child’s I.E.P, take our virtual workshop and learn all of the important in’s and out’s.
We hope to see you there!
When: Thursday October 19th, 2023
Time: 7:00pm - 8:00pm
Where: Virtual via zoom
Donations are welcome