Reading Rocks Fall 2024 Open!

Welcome to Reading Rocks Fall 2024 Virtual Tutoring Program! 

Program will run form:

September 23rd to November 17th 2024

Program will run 8 weeks twice a week depending on tutor availability, get your registration in to get first choice!

Enhance and improve your children’s reading skills to kick off the school year!

Reading Rocks is an individualized virtual reading intervention program designed by Brock University’s Dr. John McNamara, who specializes in Learning Disabilities. This program is designed for students who are performing a minimum of one year behind in the area of literacy due to a diagnosed or suspected reading disability.

In addition to foundational literacy skills, Reading Rocks is an intervention approach that uses motivational tactics to engage children in the reading process. These tactics are designed to actively engage children in their own learning. The motivation tactics are engaged through the use of instructional workstations that tutors design and tailor to each child’s needs.

The Reading Rocks approach is designed to be delivered in a series of 1-hour instructional sessions.

Space is limited and we enroll on a first come first serve basis.

Members get first pick for tutors schedule

Please note there will not be any make up dates.

For information contact Alicia at or call (905)884-7933 x 6

Register HERE